Helpful Links
American Association of Feline Practitioners
Great source of feline information from the American Association of Feline Practitioners. Check out the Feline Behavior guidelines. Also, PLEASE READ the disaster preparedness brochure entitled “Saving the whole family” by linking into the AVMA disaster link on the home page.
Animal Communication & Reiki for Pets
Jennifer Fortunato is committed to the holistic health and well-being of animals. Her practice includes animal telepathy, Reiki, and mediumship. She is able to tap into your animal's inner experiences, thoughts, and emotions to facilitate communication between you both, while also providing Reiki to address physical and emotional issues. She also communicates with pets that have passed to provide messages from the other side.
Cat Education
Reliable educational information for your cats.
Cat-Friendly Home
Read this great article for tips on how to make a house a home for your feline-friend! This article talks about all sorts of ways to enrich your cat's environment, from different types of food and water bowls to making sure they have high perches to sit on.
5 pillars of a Healthy Feline Environment
Read this informative article from the American Association of Feline Practitioners in conjunction with the International Society of Feline Medicine, which is all about the 5 pillars of a healthy feline environment.
Mosquitos & Ticks: Massachusetts Dept of Public Health
These pesky pests are not just annoying. They also transfer diseases that are serious and can be deadly. Learn how to protect your pets and your family members against these critters.
Pet Food & Treat Recall News
Use this site to check for the latest recalls on pet foods and treats.
Pet Poison Control Center
A quick reference for toxicology (or call 888-426-4435) if you think your pet ate anything poisonous. Your vet has a great deal of information but this site is constantly maintained to stay up-to-date on the newest chemicals and chemical mixes. It is always best to prepare your veterinarian with exactly what (and how much of it) your pet ate and with a poison control case number. [Also, speak to a veterinarian before inducing vomiting in your pet as some toxins can cause more harm if brought back up.] You will need your credit card – there is a $65 consultation fee (well worth it considering it may help save your pet’s life). You will get your case number from the operator; write it down and give it to the vet so they can reference it and start the recommended treatment immediately upon your arrival.
Pet Proofing
Keeping your home and yard safe for your dogs and or cats!
Puzzle Feeders
Puzzle feeders allow for the much-needed, but often unprovided mental stimulation for cats when it comes to their food. Many cats, even if it does not seem like it, can become bored with little mental stimulation. Puzzle feeders bring the ability to hunt and problem-solve to every meal!
Summer Fun for Pets
Here are some great traveling tips for you as you plan your Summer fun!
Veterinary Partner
A site sponsored by Veterinary Information Network, a group of veterinary specialists frequently consulted by Dr. Valas for opinions on your pets’ conditions. The information on this site is truthful and based on facts, not opinions. Drug information (uses and side effects) can also be found.
Veterinary Partner: Common Diagnosed Diseases
If your pet was recently diagnosed with a certain disease and you want to know more about it follow this link.
Veterinary Partner: Medications 101
If you want to know more about the potential side effects, uses, and contraindications of the medications your pet is taking, follow this link.
VOM - An Animal Adjusting Method
Learn all about this amazing way to solve many of our pet’s painful conditions from the founder of the technique known as veterinary orthopedic manipulation (VOM)which is used to effect a neuroanatomical adjustment. Dr. Valas has been using this technique for over three years and has saved many pets from painful expensive surgery. Dr. Valas’ VOM technique will also greatly improve the comfort and mobility of our senior pets.